Friday 23 May 2014

Chinese FDI in Africa

China is providing 90% of the finance needed to build a new railway line in East Africa, with the first phase to run from Mombasa to Nairobi and later stages to extend via Uganda to Rwanda and South Sudan. A great way to help those countries overcome the constraints of lacking the infrastructure to give them efficient access to ports and therefore to overseas markets for their goods.

Thomas Piketty on Economic Inequality

There has been huge interest in the new book by Thomas Piketty entitled "Capital in the 21st Century". This blog entry will link to some reviews and short videos on Piketty's ideas and policy prescriptions. In "Capital," French economist Thomas Piketty explores how wealth and the income derived from it magnifies the problems of inequality. At the heart of it is a simple equation R > G - the rate of return on capital is higher than the rate of economic growth. Naturally there is a fierce debate about the data and his methodology!

Inequality in New York - Can New York bridge the income inequality gap?

A BBC news report on the widening gulf in income and wealth inequality in the United States (and New York in particular). Income inequality is now as high as it was during the worst period of the 1920s. The richest Americans now hold one fifth of all of the country's income - and the top 10% actually hold half of it.

Food Industry Workers Protest Again Zero Hours and Low Pay

This Channel 4 news report looks at va growing protest movement among food industry workers campaigning against zero hours contracts and persistent low pay. Zero-hours contracts do not guarantee a minimum number of hours of employment. It has been estimated that 583,000 people, around 2% of the UK workforce, were employed on zero-hours contracts between October and December 2013. The actual figure is likely to be substantially higher than that.

trade-off between work and leisure

If you’ve looked at labour markets, you’ll understand the basic theory: workers seek to supply more labour as wage rates rise, and the returns to work mount up. However, at some point, the marginal utility of extra leisure exceeds the marginal utility of extra income.
In other words, rich people start working less, because they can afford to. And for most of human history rich people had the most leisure, but that might be changing.

New videos to help with F583